Friday, May 8, 2020

Nailed It

A 56 year old Ohio woman retired from her job as an account specialist after having a double mastectomy and accidentally discovering a group of people who shared a nail fetish. She always enjoyed keeping her nails nice and included pictures of them on her blog one day. Suddenly she was getting requests for more photos and some for videos showing her popping bubble wrap with her toenails. She saw an opportunity to make a little money while she was recovering from the cancer and at $12 a pop for 10 minute videos she realized she wouldn't need to return to work. I'm thinking she also saves a lot of money from only wearing sandals and not buying socks!
Arinda's toenails are now so long, she has stopped measuring them
Arinda Storm Weaver, 56, from Columbus, Ohio has revealed how breast cancer led her into the world of 'long nailed beauty'
Arinnda has to wear sandals most of the time as it's difficult to fit her toenails into any other kind of footwear 
Arinda can't wear anything with buttons and has given up driving as she can't manage the petrol pump with her nails 
Arinda has filmed herself popping bubble wrap with her toenails for an admirer 
Strangers often approach Arinda to ask if they can take pictures of her nails 

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