Saturday, July 9, 2022

Early Timber Unity

Do we all remember the stories of Paul Bunyan and Babe? If not he was a legendary logger who basically raped the landscape in the early 1900s and is also credited with creating the Great Lakes and the Grand Canyon. Fast forward to current times when a group of loggers calling themselves Timber Unity got together to block a cap and trade bill to protect the very environment that supplies them with their jobs,then in a surprise (to the loggers) turn of events big business (like mills) took over the movement from them. At first the loggers were okay with that because they had their work to do after all,then it occurred to them that the very mission had been changed! Imagine their surprise! I have a theory on loggers,no matter their aptitude for other work they'd rather die than consider switching professions plus most of them are the same people who refused to wear masks during the height of the pandemic and then protested the mask mandate,so you can see where I get the death wish idea.  From my earliest years I've seen the logging industry as drama queens,every new law to protect them causes them to go into a tail spin,first it was we can't log if we can't clear cut,next was the spotted owl restrictions and now they can't possibly continue their work if they have to cut back on their carbon footprint. Meanwhile,back at the ranch,or mills in this case,they continue to laugh all the way to the bank. Come on Joe logger,just once try to reinvent yourself,you might be surprised,you might even like it! 

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