Friday, July 29, 2022


 Most of us know at least one person who we might suspect to be a psychopath or in some cases you may know more that one,now there is a test that can prove or disprove your suspicions. Fill out the following checklist then give a zero for every Does Not Apply answer,1 point for every somewhat applies answer and 3 points for every fully applies answer. Anyone scoring over 30 is likely to be a psychopath. Good luck,and you're welcome! 

Please mark present, unclear, or absent regarding each of the following personality traits or observed behaviors:

 Definitely PresentPossibly PresentDefinitely Absent
1. Glibness / superficial charm
2. Previous diagnosis as psychopath (or similar)
3. Egocentricity / grandiose sense of self-worth
4. Proneness to boredom / low frustration tolerance
5. Pathological lying and deception
6. Conning / lack of sincerity
7. Lack of remorse or guilt
8. Lack of affect and emotional depth
9. Callous / lack of empathy
10. Parasitic lifestyle
11. Short-tempered / poor behavioral controls
12. Promiscuous sexual relations
13. Early behavior problems
14. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
15. Impulsivity
16. Irresponsible behavior as parent
17. Frequent marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Poor probation or parole risk
20. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
21. Many types of offense
22. Drug or alcohol abuse not direct cause of antisocial behavior

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