Saturday, October 22, 2022

Oh Nuts!

 While us humans are going through the typical fall routines other animals are also making their preparations for upcoming events. Squirrels are busy packing away the nuts to ensure they will have enough to eat for the winter since they don't hibernate. The interesting part of the squirrel's routine is the male squirrel's brain gets bigger during caching season though the female's brain remains the same size. Here comes the zinger...the females don't need the extra memory as they already function at a higher level and can remember where they store the nuts they have gathered though the males need that extra brain power to enable them to remember where they stored their nuts! Another amazing squirrel fact is like most rodents their teeth never quit growing but a squirrel's teeth grow 6 inches a year so all the gnawing on the nuts is necessary to grind those choppers down to a manageable size. 

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