Friday, August 4, 2023

Bed Rotting

 How could something that sounds so unappealing actually gain traction and become "the" thing to do with Gen Z? Most of the trends that start on social media have a short shelf life but this particular fad is still growing. At this point an explanation of bed rotting is in order, it is a rejection of productivity by doing nothing and taking time to rest and calling it self care though in a large share of the cases that isn't what it is about, it is about avoidance and can be a sign of depression and like most things when done in excess can be less than healthy, causing obesity and even heart related problems and never mind for a young person it is also antisocial at a time when lifetime relationships should be built. Hopefully the fad will pass eventually so Gen Z can take their place in the world instead of sleeping through the rough spots and also missing some good stuff. 

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