Friday, February 13, 2015


The fear of Friday the 13th is so common there are even two words for that fear (paraskevidekatriaphobia and friggatriskaidekaphobia not to be confused with the word for fear of the number 13 triskaidekaphobia),if you are one of the fearful ones don't unclench after today because 2015 is one of the years containing three Fridays the 13th. The root to this superstition has several theories,the number one theory being the guest list at the last supper was 13 and Judas was the 13th guest,plus Jesus was crucified on a Friday. US businesses lose millions on Friday the 13th because many people refuse to leave their homes,of course in some countries other numbers are feared instead of 13. Interestingly young people are more likely to be superstitious than older much for the daring of youthfulness!
Cookies at the 13th Anniversary Jinx-Jabbing Jamboree and Dinner of the Anti-Superstition Society of Chicago, 1940.
<b>Caption from LIFE.</b> Going home, members walk under a ladder, topped by umbrella. Thoroughly immunized against bad luck, all got home safely, woke up next day without hangovers.

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