Saturday, September 12, 2015

In the Dark

The phrase "All cats are gray in the dark" has several meanings but they all pretty much share the thought that appearance is not important. However when it comes to actual cats in the dark the statement just doesn't hold water. Lighter colored cats can be seen in the dark,black cats can even be discerned as a darker area of the dark,but gray cats are invisible in the dark and they seem to think since they can see you fine you should be able to see them. As long as I'm talking about cats today I often wonder if there is a formula they use to determine how slow or fast to walk in front of a person. By my calculations the urgency of where I am trying to go (picture the bathroom) is directly proportional to the slowness of their gate. This next part is kind of off the subject but still about cats,sort of. If you happen to have a last name that is often mispronounced you may have noticed that when some people attempt to say your name it sounds a lot like a cat trying to cough up a particularly tough fur-ball.

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