Friday, December 30, 2016

Minor Flaw

Though the Spanish Mattress company Durmet claims they extensively tested their new Smarttress it seems to me that they may have overlooked one small detail. The Smarttress was designed to be able to tell the difference when the bed was being used by a sexual partner that was not part of the couple who owns the bed,then send a text message to inform the partner who was being cheated on. Oh the wonders of technology! but wait if a couple paid $2,100 for a new mattress wouldn't they both know about what the mattress was capable of? Apparently infidelity is rampant in Spain and as creepy as it seems the preferred location for most indiscretions is the marital bed,still I can't imagine anyone forgetting what the bed was capable of in a moment of lust,and if they did would the mattress company be named in the divorce?
Image result for smarttress
Image result for smarttress
Image result for smarttress
Image result for smarttress

1 comment:

  1. Miami Beach firefighters are to be commended for their heroic efforts to save what appeared to be a scantily clad woman from the fire. However, according to South Beach Police Commander Captain Enrique Doce, the body found under a rack was actually a mannequin. Women
