Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy Part II of Talking Tombstones.
Maria Raunio lived in Finland when the country was ruled by Russia. Maria worked as an editor for a Socialist paper and was instrumental in securing the women's right to vote. She went on the become a member of the Finnish Parliament. As the situation changed in Finland she fled to the USA where she again worked on a Socialist paper. She was eventually murdered in her sleep with an overdose of morphine because of her beliefs. Note the Communist symbol draped on her headstone.
Margaret Grant Barry was a teacher,the part I found interesting about Margaret was her mother made her living by shang-haing hapless men who were either new to the area or young and naive. She employed several crimps,which was the name used to describe the men that drugged or otherwise impaired the men being shang-haied for slave labor on the ships. For some reason I failed to get her picture,sorry about that.
Minnie Mardesich was a young mother who lost her 3 year old son to the Spanish Flu which was brought to the area by soldiers. Minnie also died of the flu and perhaps of heartbreak.
Boot Hill Bill was not one of the ghosts,instead he was selling white bronze grave markers,built to outlast the traditional stones that erode and crack. Below is the example of the white bronze marker.
Maria Raunio lived in Finland when the country was ruled by Russia. Maria worked as an editor for a Socialist paper and was instrumental in securing the women's right to vote. She went on the become a member of the Finnish Parliament. As the situation changed in Finland she fled to the USA where she again worked on a Socialist paper. She was eventually murdered in her sleep with an overdose of morphine because of her beliefs. Note the Communist symbol draped on her headstone.
Margaret Grant Barry was a teacher,the part I found interesting about Margaret was her mother made her living by shang-haing hapless men who were either new to the area or young and naive. She employed several crimps,which was the name used to describe the men that drugged or otherwise impaired the men being shang-haied for slave labor on the ships. For some reason I failed to get her picture,sorry about that.
Minnie Mardesich was a young mother who lost her 3 year old son to the Spanish Flu which was brought to the area by soldiers. Minnie also died of the flu and perhaps of heartbreak.
Boot Hill Bill was not one of the ghosts,instead he was selling white bronze grave markers,built to outlast the traditional stones that erode and crack. Below is the example of the white bronze marker.
Last but not least a character that makes an appearance at every Talking Tombstones,that specter that needs no introduction...The Grim Reaper!