Sunday, October 28, 2012

Which Came First?

Some people may think nature mimics man,but that can't be right,it has to be the opposite,man mimicking nature. As an example I present the bowerbird.
To compete for the females,the male bowerbird swaggers and croons,nothing out of the ordinary so far...but the bowerbird also builds and decorates a bower in hopes of making one the females can't resist. First using his beak as a tool,he weaves sticks and twigs into a spire,then he collects shells,nuts,flowers,tin foil,CD's and anything he can find to make his nest the most attractive in the forest. Some bowers are so intricate they end up resembling a doll house. The Mary (nickname for the female bowerbird) is choosy because all they get for their portion of the deal is fertilized eggs,as the males mate with more than one female and do not help incubate the eggs or raise the chicks. The males also fight over the decorations and steal ornaments from other bowerbirds. Researchers attribute aesthetic sense and culture to bowerbirds,traits rarely found in any species aside from our own. My conclusion is early man watched these birds and began mimicking them and in time it evolved to what passes for human courtship.

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