Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Possible Solution for Disservice

In the past I know I have written at least one blog where I went off about customer service and how irritating it was to have to wade through their menus and listen to the recording saying how important your call is to them. I may have arrived at a solution to this dilemma. I have a little back ground information I need to include,so stay with me.
I was brushing my teeth this morning (I use a Sonicare toothbrush so I was reluctant to turn it off as I forget where in my mouth I was brushing) and I heard the phone ringing,normally I don't even bother to answer as I get very few calls that are actually people I know,but since it was still early morning I thought it might be important. Picture if you will my mouth is about half full of foam when I look at the caller ID and see it is a wireless caller,it is not a number I recognize but people change their cell numbers so often it is hard to keep track. I answer without spitting out the foam in my mouth (not sure why I didn't) and it is some gal wanting to know if I want to sell a time share that I have saying she has a buyer,I ask who the buyer is and she says a corporation. I say no I don't thinks so as it already sounds suspicious to me,but of course she thinks she knows better than I do. She tells me that all they need to do first is an appraisal and I tell her NO,I already ended up paying for an appraisal before and that never went anywhere toward selling it,she responds to this by saying that it isn't going to cost me a dime to trust her. I ask why should I trust you?? I don't even know you,as she starts to explain herself I hang up.
Now for those of you that have stayed with me here is the solution! If we took all the telemarketers that always seem to have time to call you at the worst possible times,and had them take over answering the phones for customer service,both problems would be instantly solved! All we need to do now is get them all in the same building.

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