Saturday, October 27, 2012

UFO's and Yoga

First off let me give you a fair warning: If you are easily offended by less than reverent thoughts on religions,quit reading here!
The Aetherius Society is a religion combining UFO claims,yoga and ideas from various world religions. Their stated goal (unlike most religions that are sometimes at the center of armed conflicts) is to prevent the annihilation of the Earth by improving relationships between humanity and various alien species. They also believe disasters may be prevented by prayer,aided by "Spiritual Energy Batteries" meant to store healing psychic energy. The "Next Master" will descend on Earth in a flying saucer,possessing magic more powerful than all the world's armies. The society is named after Aetherius,a being the founder George King claims to have telepathically contacted and channeled. In 1954 King took up yoga and developed psychic powers that allowed him to learn the secrets of the universe. According to King this training enabled him to receive telepathic messages from Venus,the first coming from Aetherius. Based on his experiences and these messages,Kind found the Society in 1955,the membership,although international, is not very large,approximately 650 members.
Strange as all this may sound,it could explain a few Stone-henge or Easter Island,and on the plus side it doesn't involve secret underwear.

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