Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fairly Recent Idiom

The phrase "not my circus,not my monkeys isn't all that old. It is a Polish saying and though not easily tracked to its origin the best guess is the late 1990's. The reason I am bringing up this fun phrase is it has become my mantra in the last few months and I am willing to bet my blood pressure has went down since I begin using it. I'm not sure if it is just a type A personality thing or what it is that causes people to jump into "fix it" mode whenever they see a train wreck in progress as usually any offered advice is either discarded or only partially used which is just as bad if not worse. I don't know what it is that resonates with me about the phrase but I am finally released from the mental burden of keeping other people from making their own mistakes,and in case no one noticed the world is still spinning without my assistance! Thanks to the Pole that first spoke the words of my mantra. I can only hope I will recognize the occasion when it is my circus and my monkeys.

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