Monday, August 15, 2016

And the Winner Is...

I don't usually do posts two days in a row on the same subject but since yesterday's post wasn't about dumb criminals I'm going to make an exception. These guys are in my number one position for the dumbest of the dumb criminals,of course there is always room for improvement so they may not hold that dubious title for long. The subjects in question are two 17 year old Winton, California males who robbed a construction site then instead of leaving the scene they proceeded to get stoned. It wasn't long before a sheriff on patrol spotted their SUV and checked it out. As he approached the vehicle he could smell a strong odor of  marijuana and noticed the two people inside were asleep. He had to wake them up to arrest them but the sheriff said it wasn't the first time he had to wake someone up who was intoxicated or high at the scene of the crime,it isn't common but it wasn't a first. Unfortunately he didn't take pictures!

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