Thursday, September 9, 2021

Blood Bar

 Before anyone starts gagging or saying eew consider a couple of things,like cultural differences and available food supplies. Many different people worldwide consume blood in their cuisine,there's blood sausage,blood pudding and in the US many people love a rare steak so it shouldn't be that disgusting to find that in Russia in order to use the entire animal as food plus to give the anemic children a little needed iron in their diet they made Hematogen bars which contained the regular candy bar ingredients along with an additional mystery ingredient,black food albumin,a fancy term for blood. Though times have improved and anemia isn't as big of an issue the bars are still available today not only in Russia but at Russian markets in the States. They are supposed to tastes something like a Tootsie Roll with a metallic under taste. Kacey can you elaborate? 


  1. We didn't see these. Or, maybe didn't know what they were ?

    1. I was just curious since I knew you lived there for awhile. Thanks for responding!
