Monday, September 27, 2021

Problem Solved?

A few months back I did a post on breastfeeding and the people who complain about it being done in public. Today's post is just adding information on the breastfeeding topic though this seems like it's kind of an over the top solution it still offers a more private way to either feed you child or pump your milk. It is called Mamava and they are stations for breastfeeding that are found in public places,like airports and malls,they have an app so the mothers needing privacy can find the nearest station. I'm not sure what that would be like though while waiting at a gate in the airport that had a station there was a mother feeding her baby with a blanket over herself instead of using the station,maybe she was unaware of the stations and didn't have the app,her choice either way. The stations have regular disinfecting on a schedule so I assume they are clean and they can be easily moved plus they cost less that constructing a custom station.   My PSA post for the week! maybe the month...

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