Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Count Me Out

Around noon I usually turn my TV on and read while the news is on,waiting for Millionaire to start at 12:30. Much to my surprise once and a great while something on the news will get my attention,today was one of those rare days.
The Ostrich Pillow is pulling its head out of the sand and making its way to your head...say what? I know the feeling,I jerked my head out of my book to catch a glimpse of this cumbersome looking device. The idea behind this invention is to turn your head into a pillow allowing you to nap anytime,anywhere. It has an opening for the mouth and nose with holes on the side to rest your hands or keep them warm. I suppose if I were handed one I might test drive it in the privacy of my home,but can you picture yourself sitting in an airport or office with one of these on your head? My main problems with it is first of all I am not a napper and secondly I am claustrophobic and don't think I would find comfort in my head being encased in a pillow. I will be curious to see how this does on the market and will be looking for people wearing them in public places.
The Ostrich Pillow has raised more than $130,000 on Kickstarter. It looks like this. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. My boss has been yawning all day and I showed her this - She laughed out loud :)
