Thursday, August 13, 2015

Know Your A B Cs?

If ever there was useless information today's post will qualify...but is any information truly useless? Most people probably have never given any thought to why vitamins only employ the letters A-E and K,(sounds like the beginning of a grammar rule!)but for those of you that have wondered today is your lucky day! When the first five vitamins were discovered in the early 20th century they got their names sequentially but then a combination of disorganization and others being re-identified as part of the B vitamin group,so that plan was scrapped. Also some of the discoveries were not important to human health,for example vitamin J was important for guinea pigs,but not humans, vitamin F became the Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin L got its name because it was important for lactation (in rats),it also was later used to make Quaaludes. The remaining letters either became part of the B complex or were deemed unessential to human health. There you have your dose of "learned something new today"!

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