Sunday, August 12, 2012


It is that day I dread most of the year...okay,maybe I don't give it that much thought but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It is the annual block party and though I don't really consider myself anti-social I am sure that is what the neighbors think,I think of myself as a social loner. I don't mind talking to people one on one or even a small group,but anymore than around 4 people and I just lose focus. To me it is like trying to watch a room full of televisions all on a different channel and knowing that at some point you will be asked about everything that is on. It also seems silly because no one really has anything to say to each other so everyone tries to force conversation and it just doesn't work for me. Don't even get me started on the time and place...but as long as I am started,the time is 2 pm and I have already had lunch by then and am not even ready for a snack yet,and they have it right in front of my house so if I do want to go anywhere I have to go before it starts and stay until it is over. If it were up to me I would say have it closer to the dead end of the street where there is paved parking on both sides of the street so there would be no need to block off the street,but once again what do I know?

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