Monday, August 6, 2012

To Hair is Human

War is usually caused by one of two things,greed or religion. You would think it would be an easy thing to deal with...just get rid of the causes. Of course that isn't going to happen or it would have happened long before now.
Some interesting things about different religions,most religions don't pay much attention to what the Bible says about haircuts which is,"no razor hall touch his head...He shall let the locks of hair of his head grow long" also in a different book of the Bible "They shall not make baldness on their heads." So if you are going to take the Bible seriously,you what? go by the parts you think are serious? The Rastafarians take it seriously plus incorporate African freedom, refusing to use combs,razors and scissors. The Sikh also believe in unshorn hair,but the difference is one of their codes of conduct include a comb.
To get away from the hair topic I find it interesting that there are religions that base their beliefs on eggs being how the world was formed,one is Chinese Phan Ku,the other Tahitian Ta'Aroa though the stories that explain the beginnings differ. A side note to these beliefs is that the Big Bang Theory is also about an egg like object that expanded until it created the universe. No guessing who has the story right.

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