Thursday, October 29, 2015

Causes? or Cures?

Today's post is neither funny nor informative. It seems as though I may be on the brink of news saturation again. Every few years I get so fed up with the inconsistencies in the news that I quit watching for a year or sometimes more. The thing that set me off this time is the bacon/processed meats cause cancer,it isn't exactly that I have any argument with that information it is the fact that less than two years ago the big push was bacon was good for you! It just goes round and round until a person wants to scream. I remember in 1959 there was the cranberry crisis,right around Thanksgiving they decided that cranberries caused cancer due to the chemicals that had been sprayed on the berries. Of course there is always the faction who preach eat veggies and fish...I love my veggies but let's get real unless you are fortunate enough to grow your own veggies it is pretty much a crap shoot on how good they are going to be for you,and fish? it is hardly as healthy as a person wants to believe with widespread water pollution how can a person expect fish to be a good choice? A friend of mine was an avid sportsman didn't drink or smoke and almost 100% of his diet consisted of fish he had caught and deer and elk,he died of cancer. Last week there was a small blurb about a cancer cure being found,then nothing more,my guess is big pharma shut that story down before too many people heard it so they could continue to profit from the suffering of the masses. OK,off the soap box!
A few good quality rashers of bacon could do some good if eaten in moderation
Knowing where your meat comes from and what has been done to is key to its quality and nutritional value
Note the Teflon pan...also associated with cancer.

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