Saturday, October 3, 2015


Before anyone gets the idea that I'm being mean spirited about this man's plight let me explain that the people I've known that had gastric by-pass surgeries have never really benefited from the surgery,in fact I would at least partially blame one death on the surgery. In short life time habits can't be changed by making the stomach smaller.
A man in New Zealand needed hernia surgery but the hernia couldn't be repaired until he lost 110 lbs. The government agreed to pay for the hernia surgery but not the gastric by-pass because the weight gain was not considered an accident,are you with me so far? So,the man's response?? He is going on a hunger strike! He hopes he will either lose the weight that way or the media will force the agency to pay for his stomach stapling. Did I mention that in 2006 the same man was investigated for working while receiving benefits?
Jason Patterson, shown in this YouTube screengrab, is on hunger strike because the New  Zealand government won't fund his weight-loss surgery.

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