Monday, July 5, 2021

Ice Cube Diet

Parenting involves a lot of wondering if you're doing the right thing sometimes grinding on minutiae thinking it may make a big difference in the child's future life,then there's the parents who think they've got it covered...they'll go by the book or poster as is the case with this couple. The couple hung a baby food poster guide to determine how much to feed their baby. The poster used ice cubes as a way to gauge the amount of food,for example one ice cube of peas,but the parents thought they had to give the baby ice cubes and were giving 3 ice cubes per day until the poster said to increase the amount and they knew the baby wasn't going to eat any more than 3 ice cubes per day so they read the poster more closely and realized their mistake. If you're not crying tears from laughing at this point you should have your sense of humor checked! 

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