Monday, February 13, 2012

Crazy Things

Strange things happening locally,last night a man had a shootout with the police in a motel just down the hill from me,and no I didn't hear the shots. Then preceded to have a high speed chase down the coast.
Earlier today after leaving my Zumba class they had the main drag taped off with yellow crime scene tape,right in front of my bank (the one that likes to leave its doors open). I just got back from my walk and they still have the main thoroughfare blocked and are detouring traffic to another through street,which must be rough for the trucks with trailers as there are right angle turns to make and no real room for them to do it. I ran into a friend from Curves and she said it was a fatality,which fits with what I saw earlier which appeared to be a bundle of rags in the road. She said the victim was dragged for ten feet,more than likely she knows what she is talking about as her husband is a state trooper and her daughter works in the D.A.'s office.
If the saying holds true that bad things happen in a series of three,that leaves one thing left to happen before this sleepy little coastal town can resume its slumber before tourist season starts.

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