Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have always had weird dreams and for the most part find them amusing,so I thought I would share what I recall from my latest,plus a friend that also has weird dreams shared hers with me so we will see what I found out in my ever so amateur attempt at interpreting them. Here goes nothing!
In the first part of my dream I am pulling my friend that died recently out of a sink hole and just as I get her out and I am about to climb out after her I reach for her hand and she hands me some flowers and I fall back into the hole. The next thing I know I am standing in an open field and a rhinoceros is coming for me. Okay,now for the meanings I found. A hole means something is missing or lost,so I guess that would fit with the friend that died. A rhinoceros means well protected or shielded (especially emotionally). Determination and follow through. A show of strength in response to provocation. A lack of delicacy,gentleness or diplomacy. All of this description fits me to a tee,so maybe there is something to this dream interpretation?
Now for the friends dream: we are on vacation together in a place that is like Maui/Vegas,we are on a train/boat and are offered gum,which she takes and I decline. Then we arrive at our apparent destination which is my boyfriends and he is with Dolly Parton. Now we will see how this one shakes out. Gum means indecisiveness, thinking while trying to decide a problem or a sticky situation. Slot machines mean someone or something that lacks human characteristics such as  emotion,compassion,responsiveness or warmth. Being on a boat means change or progress is happening or on your mind,trains mean a process or journey. These oddly enough also seem to reflect what is currently going on in her life. So who knows,maybe this is the key to unlocking the weird dream mystery.

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