Monday, January 2, 2012

Car Colors and Accidents

While I was out today I noticed a school bus yellow car passing me and driving erratically and thought that must be why a person would buy a car that color,thinking it would make up for their bad driving habits. I decided to see what I could find.
A Swedish study found a lower rate of serious injury in silver cars with higher rates in brown, black, and green.
The Vehicle Colour Study conducted in Australia and published in 2007 analyzed 855,258 accidents between 1987-2004,the study analyzed risk by light condition,it found that in daylight black cars were 12% more likely that white cars to be involved in an accident followed by grey cars at 11%,silver at 10%,reds and blue at 7% with no other colors found to be significantly more or less risky than white. At dawn or dusk black cars jumped to 47% more likely than white and silver to 15%. In the hours of darkness only red and blue cars were found to be more risky than white.
Once again my thinking was off track as yellow was not even mentioned in the study,but still neither study included the ratio of the color of cars they studied as black and white cars are always more plentiful,so I don't think the results are entirely conclusive.

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