Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Five Fingers?

I hate to be on the subject of shoes again but here I go anyway! What is up with the new,or relatively new shoes called Five Fingers? To look at them I think,wouldn't they be a hassle to get your feet into? and what about socks? what about toes that don't fit into their toe holes? A lot of people have weird toes,I am one of them but I have seen way weirder toes than mine on several different people. And lastly why the name five fingers when they are worn on your feet?? They claim they are like going barefoot,so why not just go barefoot? I didn't get answers to many of these questions,but what follows is some of what I already knew about the foot and some of what I was able to find.
Out of the 206 bones in the human body 25% (26 bones) are in the foot,along with 33 joints,and over 100 muscles,tendons and ligaments. All of the components work to support your body as you run or walk. Problems with the feet can often cause problems in other parts of the body.
Going barefoot might be a good idea,people have reported: less problems with recurring ankle sprains,foot injuries and plantar fasciitis,greater agility,less deformed toes,improved balance (which helps prevent other injuries) and prevention of varicose veins. So again I pose the question why not just go barefoot?

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand to have toe jam between my toes let alone that wad of fabric. I'm sure I'd have blisters by the end of the first hour of wearing them.
