Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pig Phrases

Before I get into the pig phrases and quotes I would like to point out something else that seems interesting. Pigs are classified as porcine,which the ine ending is pronounced like een (rhyming with obscene). Most of the other classifications of everyday animals ending in ine are pronounced with a long i like in nine,ovine (sheep), bovine (cows), canine (dogs),feline (cats), and equine (horses). Just a little something to ponder.
What is it about pigs that make so many saying about them? They are really intelligent animals,so maybe that some how relates.
"When pigs fly",meaning something is unlikely. "Making a silk purse out of a sows ear",act of making something unattractive more appealing,which also includes the meaning of the phrase "It's like putting lipstick on a pig,when you're through,it's still a pig." "Pig in a poke",an offer or deal that is accepted foolishly without being examined. "Pearls before swine",a high quality item which is offered to someone who cannot appreciate it. "Pig and whistle",a common name for British pubs,also means to fall to ruin. "High on the hog",meaning affluent or luxurious. Now for my favorite pig quote: "Never teach a pig to sing;it wastes your time and it annoys the pig".
I love this picture!

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