Friday, October 14, 2011

Benjamin Franklin

The error yesterday on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire got me to thinking of the show a few days back when a question indicated that Ben Franklin's famous Kite experiment had been faked,not wanting a dead man that can no longer defend himself to be maligned I decided I would do a little checking on that to see what I could find. I found absolutely nothing that in any way suggested it had been faked in fact I found detailed despriptions of how it was done,and since he was big on honesty I am going to site Millionaire with another error. Speaking of millionaire Ben Franklin was America's 1st millionaire,he was truly an incredible man in many ways. He was an inventor,journalist,printer,diplomat,statesmen and also started Poor Richard's Almanac which is still printed every year. Franklin was also one of our founding fathers,many people believe he was also one of our presidents though he never was. He was greatly disappointed when the bald eagle was chosen as representative of the USA as he thought it was a bird of bad moral character,he instead preferred the turkey because it was a more respectable bird.

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