Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's that time again,part 2

First of all before it slips my mind, if any of you are leaving comments I don't think I receive them unless you are a follower,as I have only received comments from my one registered follower but had someone mention that they had left one too. So if you want to put in your 2 cents worth that is how to do it.
I am a little late getting to this today as I was trying to figure out how to contact "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" as they had an error in an answer today and it just happened to be what I was planning on for my blog so I knew it was wrong. They were crediting William Willet with being the inventor of Daylight Saving Time (DST) which he was not. First of all I would like to point out there is no s on the end of Saving which I hadn't realized before. I had always thought that Ben Franklin was credited with inventing DST and he did have a similar idea in the 1700's and wrote an article in France about how they could save candles if they got up earlier in the day,goes hand in hand with the ever popular "early to bed early to rise saying". It was actually George Vernon Hudson that invented DST in 1865.
I had heard a rumor that the reason the time changes were later the last few years was that they were going to be phasing out DST,needless to say when I found out what the case really was I was bummed. In 2005 the Energy Policy Act was passed to be enacted in 2007 and they have no intention of freeing us from this archaic ritual even though it can't be proved that is is actually saving any energy at all. The whole idea is like cutting off one end of a blanket and sewing it onto the other end to make it longer,there are only so many hours of daylight,deal with it. And what about Alaska?? Why do they use DST? Talk about a special kind of stupid,not the people of Alaska so don't be offended,but why would the government think to apply DST there?
 At least I have an Atomic clock so I don't have to deal with that part of the deal,of course some days my clock doesn't communicate with the one in Boulder,CO. and instead gets tuned in with the microwave and the results leave me scratching my head.