Sunday, October 23, 2011

Unique,like everyone else?

I have trouble with the experts claiming that other than fingerprints and DNA,humans are all pretty much the same. Are they saying that snowflakes have more variety than people? My thoughts on this are way off that beaten track. I got to thinking about this when I was just doing some ordinary things around the house and started wondering how I ended up doing things the way I do? Was I taught at some point? Or did I see someone do something similar,or did I simply find a way to do things in my own way,a signature if you please. It seems to me that each individual has an infinite number of choices each and every day and the very way a person chooses reflects their differences. Some days it seems like the choices are between which is the lesser evil,or the best of a bad lot and how you deal with days like that reveals the vast uniqueness in
people,not the sameness,especially on the bad days as opposed to those rare good ones where everything goes so well you become paranoid by the end of the day just waiting for the other shoe to drop...Then again maybe that is just me!

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