Thursday, October 27, 2011

Breaking the Law 101

I can't help but notice when I am making my daily rounds the people teaching their children how to jaywalk...what do they say to them? It's all right to break the law as long as you don't get caught? Then years later they are the same ones wringing their hands and wondering how their child could have gone bad.
That brings out that soapbox person again on a similar topic,bikes and skateboards on the sidewalks. Do those people not read? There are signs that say no bicycles or skateboards...and never mind the very name sidewalk suggests its intended use,otherwise they could have called it a sideride.  I worry about the elderly getting mowed down by the ones that insist on riding on the sidewalks and expressed my concerns at city hall,but of course was told they don't have money in the budget for anyone to do anything about it. I suggested that perhaps the parking Nazi could at least say something to them when he saw them,and they said he was pretty busy with marking tires and writing tickets and there was no revenue in bicyclists, I was a little peeved at this point and told them,"well if you started confiscating the bikes and they had to pay to get them back it would be a big step to solving the problem." I was told to come to a city council meeting if I wanted to bring it it was all just another waste of my time trying to save the elderly from bodily harm.  Then there are the ones that actually use the bicycle lanes,but have such a sense of entitlement that they don't think they need to stop for traffic signs or signals...HELLO! Did they not notice that there is no steel wrapped around them and they will be the certain loser in any run in with a motorized vehicle.

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