Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Favorite things

Don't worry I am not going to burst into song I would never abuse my audience that way,even if you couldn't hear me it would still be bad!
What I am talking about it my favorite magazine came in the mail yesterday,actually it is the only magazine I get as most of the rest leave me somewhat flat. It is called "Mental Floss" and I have been getting it for a couple of years now,it is truly a treat. One of the small things about it is at the top of the first several pages above the actual articles is little one-liners called Scatterbrained. The first one in this issue was During the 1960's the U.S. Coast Guard received about two dozen real pleas from concerned citizens to rescue the castaways on "Gilligan's Island". You can well imagine from that small sample what the rest of the magazine is like. I have to say though I liked Scatterbrained better when it was belows the articles and called The Bottom Line,but that is just me and no real reason for it. They also have a part after the Mail Bonding section called Mental Flaws where they correct any errors from previous issues. Don't be confused by Mental Flaws,it is in no way related to mental pause, which is when your brain just shuts down temporarily usually right when you are in the middle of something. I used to think that mental pause only affected people once they reached a certain age,but have discovered even people in their 30's can experience the phenomena,though not as often or severe.

1 comment:

  1. Mental pausing - so frustrating! The frequency of this occurance in my life has helped me up my level of profanity use.
