Sunday, October 16, 2011

Language usage and misusage

Todays post isn't really about the title...well not much about it anyway. I just recently discovered in the back of one of my dictionarys a section for words that are commonly misused,and all the years I thought I was the only one! You can imagine my relief. The words that I can't get the meaning to stick for me not matter how many times I look them up and try to commit them to memory are affect and effect. I just looked them up again yesterday and I can honestly say if I had to explain the difference today it would not be a pretty picture. The first example I found in the dictionary was accept and except,I thought well those two are easy why would they be a problem? Then I remembered my own dilema and mentally said,never mind.
Something I have been noticing alot lately is I will think I see something out of the corner of my eye but when I move my eyes to see what it is nothing is there. Is this a glimpse into another dimension?or have I  slipped that final cog that was all the was holding me to reality? As I was thinking this over I remembered a book I had read,Dean Koontz "From the Corner of His Eye" and looked for it but didn't find it so I wonder where it is off to?
For those wondering about Uma she hasn't had any work the last couple of days as it has been clear. I would also like to add that to view my other posts scroll down and then to your right side of the screen there will be a list and you can click on ones you may have missed. Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Check out the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" You'll have a new appreciation for the things you see from the corner of your eye. It's a quantum physics thing.

    I have the same problem with effect and affect and my other all time favorite is then and than.
