Monday, November 14, 2011

Better Today

I was feeling a little empty or down yesterday which happens to me when I finish a book by an author I really enjoy,or for that matter just a book I really enjoy. It is like having a friend come to visit and how you feel when it is time for them to leave,like a piece is missing. In contrast on the rare occasion that I get a book that I really don't enjoy reading, it is like having an annoying relative that came to visit and stayed too long finally leaving! I know you are probably thinking why does she finish a book if she isn't enjoying it,and the answer is I just can't seem to give up on them, I keep on reading in hope that I will be rewarded in the end but I don't find that to be the case often. When I don't like a book most of the way through it seldom can redeem itself by the end or maybe after investing that much time I end up with an attitude that prevents the enjoyment? I will have to think on that,not that it makes much of a difference in the grand scheme of things.

1 comment:

  1. I too have waded through dozens of horrible books staying optimistic that something good will come out of them and finding myself flatly disappointed all the way to the end. In the past couple of years I have found two gems that I would like to recommend, neither of which I had read reviews on before picking them off the shelf in the library I work in. Sometimes not reading reviews before reading a book can provide wonderful surprises. "The Life of Pi" by Yann Martel and Yasmin Crowther's book "The Saffron Kitchen"
