Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cereal Killer

I was reading an interesting thing earlier today about why the small bits of cereal end up in the bottom of the cereal box instead of on the top where one would expect them to be since they are lighter. It even has a name,"Muesli Effect" the same effect can also be found in containers of mixed nuts only there it is called the "Brazil Nut Effect". This has actually been studied since the 1930's by cereal physicists as it defies logic,seemingly the larger heavier pieces should sink and the lighter pieces should rise to the surface. There are a couple of theories why this happens one is that the larger pieces float on top of the smaller granules which act like a liquid,another is percolation where the smaller grains trickle down or "fluid drag". There is a cure for this dilemma and that is simply shaking the box from side to side while holding it in an upright position. There you have it, if you enjoy your cereal properly mixed now you know how to achieve that mixture,I am not a big cereal eater myself but I found it interesting anyway,and thought I would pass it along.

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