Wednesday, November 16, 2011


If ever there was an oxymoron it would be the word childproof,because as a general rule children are the only ones that can open childproof things without too much of a problem. The amazing thing to me is the things that they put the childproof closures on and the things that they don't. I currently have a bottle of mouthwash with a childproof top,okay first of all if you have children and want them to use the mouthwash/dental rinse wouldn't you want them to be able to do it on there own? Not to mention that mouthwash isn't all that dangerous,sure it is far from a health drink but I don't think many kids would drink enough of it to do much if any harm. The curious thing to me is most of the cleaning products don't have childproof tops and small amounts of them can be lethal. The bottom line though isn't which things should or should not have childproof opening but why is it the problem of the manufacturer? As a parent a person should have enough sense to both keep an eye on children and store things that are a potential hazard where they are not readily available to the children,but once again a few fools have made it a problem for the masses.

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