Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Facial Hair and Skateboards

You are probably asking yourself what possible connection could facial hair have to skateboards? I don't think there should be one either however the skateboarders that I often see have facial hair,tattoos and multiple just seems odd to me,if they are old enough for all that why aren't they at work instead of leisurely riding around on skateboards? I think this goes right back to the kids that don't leave home these days,why should they if the folks are willing to keep them fed and clothed and all they have to do is play all day,I mean would you get a job if that was the deal you had going? It seems to me that they get the tattoos and MULTIPLE piercing as a way to ward off accidentally stumbling into a job,of course I suppose if they eventually changed their minds or the folks died they could always take the rings and what not out and they would grow closed and  tattoos aren't so bad as long as they aren't the homegrown variety which I find less than appealing,but I guess I am old fashioned that way.

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