Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Joke?

I heard on the radio earlier today that a new law had passed to insure that the people making$125,000 -$250,000 for two people incomes were voted a tax break,but then in a flash of double talk he said that they would actually be paying more. Didn't really make much sense to me then and even less now. First of all how would something like that get voted for? I don't think there is that large of number of people in that income bracket in Oregon. I had to look it up after saying that,and I was right the average income for 2010 was $37,095. So you may ask yourself why would anyone vote to give people who obviously don't need any breaks a tax break? The way I see it the answer is the way these measures are written you need a law degree to figure out if what you think they are saying is actually what they are saying,and in that way they manage to get things passed that are the opposite of what people think they are voting for. They would never dare to write something in clear concise English because then they would never get the very bills they write for the benefit of themselves and the select few passed. The whole political racket just makes me see red.

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